Hair texture not showing?

Hey all you texture wizards. I’ve tried to put a texture into my characters scalp for the colour of his hair. Its coming up on the scalp itself but when i enable particles for the hair the texture resorts to the original skin colour of the character. What am i not doing right? any ideas?

As a test i put in a grass colour but it still didn’t work


Looks like the Material you have selected in your screen dump is Material 7 for this object. Do you have the Particle panel Material number set to 7?

genious - so simple yet if you don’t know it its very difficult. And that preview window is dodgey - not refreshing for me! Gonna have to play around with the strands but it orked alrigh. Thanks alot.

should i go with the texture? probably a bit too much!!


Don’t worry about it, I know that setting is there and I still forget it every time I setup particles. As for your texture, it makes parts of the hair look gray. If that is what you want then go for it.