Hair twisting around curve when using curve guide

Why is this happening?

I’ve tried all types of curves, all handle types, twisting curve itself (CTRL + T), but it didn’t work. I want straight hair following the curve

Have you tried to change the twisting type in the curve to something else? Like minimum? I don’t remember the types but one of them prevented this

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Thanks for answer, I’ll try

No, it didn’t help, hair are not affected at all

What sucks is that I now have this similar issue on a model I’m working on now and I did figure out how to fix it but it was a while ago and I forgot what I did and now I’m back to square 1. :confounded:

Ok, last time I used simple combing, but now I have to make hair shape again and it’s more complicated, so I can’t just comb it.
Can anyone PLEASE tell me why is this happening? It pisses me off really hard, hair is twisting even with 2D curve guide (e.g X scale is 0)

Try to clear the tilt (Alt T) also in the control points menu, and you can adjust the tilt with ctrl T, while the control points are selected.

It’s not affecting hair too

What version? Can you post a blend file?

It’s Blender 2.8
HairIssue.blend (619.6 KB)

Well, I tried messing with it for a while but didn’t come up with anything. Maybe you could try a curve with less control points… sorry I couldn’t help.

Thanks for trying anyway