I believe that the Game Developer’s Conference 2005 recording: Recreating the LAN Party Online: The Networking and Social Infrastructure of Halo 2 ,may help those of you who are working on a stable solution for “blender multiplayer” and other networking applications.
It may be helpful to view the other recordings also. Notable presentations are:
- HazMat Hotzone: First-Person First Responder Gaming
- PeaceMaker: A Game That Teaches Peace in the Middle East
- Machinima: Using Games to Change Filmaking and Instructional Video I have not viewed all of the videos.
Go to http://www.pqhp.com/cmp/gdctv/ to view the videos.
Note: The videos are delivered in FLV format and can be cached to your computer for archiving. FLV files can be played using VLC Player located at
Enjoy the videos. May they inspire you beyond your greatest limitations.