Halo Elite - now with armature and some armour.

Update: latest image:

Hi everyone! This is my first major project in blender - I’ve been playing around a bit before, but I got a new laptop with a graphics card. Anyway, ideas and criticism welcome :slight_smile:

The model’s based off the Arbiter from the Halo series. I’ve got most of the basic shape down ok I think but not much detail yet.


Detail of face with wireframe:

Energy sword:

The topology is really bad on the sword - I created it with curves and then used the knife tool to add some lines until it looked smooth again. Is there a better way of doing it?

I attached some of the references I’m using - one without armour and one with (hopefully that’s what it will look like once I’ve modeled some armour :).

Many thanks!



You got the basic shape down. Not much to crit. yet. The only thing I noticed is the top feelers (I guess I’ll call them lol, the things over the mouth) should be longer than the bottom ones. I swear, I am the only person on Xbox Live that uses an Elite lol

Ok the "lips are a little too long (both) and are too wide (on the Z axis).

The Neck needs to be longer, and the thighs are far to wide.
but yeah the shape is down, jsut the minor details.

Oh, and the feet need to be more Hoovish, quote the chapter “My size ten hoove…”

Nice start, keep at it! :slight_smile:

OK, thanks for the replies so far. I’m just trying to work out details like this at the moment :slight_smile:

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Ok, a quick update before I stop for the night:

Latest render:

New chest area, also shorter and thinner jaws, longer neck:

Your Ass, My Size-24 Hoof:
I’m having a bit of trouble with the foot - there’s hardly any reference I can find so I made up quite a bit of detail. I’ll probably come back to it later :slight_smile:

Let me play a few rounds tonight and I will take some screenshots of myself and upload them here. I have a few now, but I don’t think I have any of my foot.


Keep watching there, I will try and take some shots from different angles and upload them for ya.

thanks … the problem is more the actual foot itself, rather than the armour around it though. Sorry for the lack of updates … just trying to work out how to rig this beast :slight_smile: I was getting pretty weird deformations using normal armatures (and it was a lot of work) and I’m just trying out mesh deformations in the svn build at the moment - I get some pretty weird deformations though. Seems to work ok on the spine and neck, but not on the arms or fingers for some reason:


Anyway. I’ll probably post this in the animation support forums, see if anyone has any ideas.

I havent had time to play, i didnt forget about you though lol.

I play an elite too. I love the elite death screams and elites are just generally more awesome than spartans.

On the model. I like it but as most people have said there seems to be something wrong with the mandibles.


Got armatures working, many thanks to Vertex Pusher.

Now to have a look at those mandibles …

right they look better, but please remember the teeth. Ill play some hal during this week and get some nice screenes.


Quick update, just trying to rework the mandibles so they look more like the Halo 3 shapes …

also trying to work out a walkcycle (feet keep slipping for some reason) and teeth


working on some armour … C&C welcome.

Many thanks so far everyone! :slight_smile:

lokin good, no comments now, but when youget more in detail with the armour, add more pointed edges. unless its the arbiter, then round it off nice and relic like.

just working on something else related for a bit …


LtOBrien: yeah, looking at that aswell. Just trying to figure out the edgesplit modifier at the moment, seems it will do what I want …

Hey guys … I’m kind of a bit run down with this project at the moment, it’s not got the same energy as I started with … Anyways, I’ve been trying to do some rigging recently, trying the arm and leg rigs from the “Introduction to Rigging” on the wiki and they don’t seem to give me any real control … I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong or not. Anyway, here’s the blend file so if anyone wants to comment on my rig or anything else, that’d be most welcome. Thanks in advance!