Halo Reach Falcon

The tail looks a little to big other than that you are doing a great job so far.

Well, I had taken a break from this project, and just resently I decided I would work on it again, well I couldn’t find it, I think I must have deleted it by accident, oh well, maybe I will try again in the future, thanks all of you who supported me through the beginings of this project, sorry to have failed at this. :frowning:

I have begun working on this ship again, I had to start from scratch, but it is starting to take shape, I will have some pictures up soon. Making it in 2.5 this time, the first project I’ve done in 2.5, so its kinda fun, just wish we had bevel back, oh well, I can wait till 2.6.

It looked pretty beast. Too bad u lost the file…

How’s it coming?

It was coming along well, but I haven’t worked on it in a whle, been to busy flying the real thing in Reach!