Halo: Void

Hello! Here are my thoughts.

  1. If you want people to join your effort, I would recommend that you post as much information in one place - having people jump around between this thread and the other one in the WIP section is a bit unnecessary.
  1. You mentioned in the other thread that you don’t have to worry about copyright issues as long as you don’t sell it. While this is a fairly common thought, I don’t think it’s true at all. Copyright infringement can be pursued at any point in time that the copyright holder deems fine (i.e. Microsoft can ask you to cease and desist now, or years from now right before you release it, or not at all). Just because some people seem to make fan games doesn’t mean that there’s no copyright issues.

  2. I don’t quite see why Microsoft would buy your game. I’m making assumptions here, but since they’re the copyright holders and they own / work with the development company (Bungie), they can just make their own professional game, rather than buying one a single fan or a small development team made.

I think you would do well to make your own game with your own resources.