Halo Vs transp problem

First of all, sorry for my english… i am not fluent ! :stuck_out_tongue:

i have a little problem with halos behind a transparent object.

A made a simple scene with only a transparent plane cuting a sphere on
which i apply a halo material.

Halos between the plane and the camera are rendered but not
those who are behind the plane…

Any idear ?

If you need the scene, i can join the files, in this case, i need some howto.

No alpha effects are compatible with RayTrans. These include, but are not limited to, halos and vector blur. Use Z Trans instead.

But if you really must use Ray transparency, then use planes with halo alpha textures.

Z transparency is one way to fix it if you don’t mind no refraction.

Yes indeedie, but you loose the z-depth of the particles.

OK, thanks for the advices