Hand typology

I did this a while ago… but what do you think of the typology and the accuracy in general…

Actually, we are missing 2 views, the sides, so we can see the initial state, cause the fingers/bones in a hand are never totally straight/flat aligned next to each other, the mass of the hand itself also determines this. Simply put your own hand flat in a table to test this.
Don’t take this the wrong way, your initial effort(first version) is a pretty good start, just the unnaturalness I just pointed out.
Keep it up!

The topology is somewhat good, no much tris and so on. However I would recommend to reduce the amount of edge loops towards the wrist because now they are pretty much packed all in once.
For the anatomy, I would recommend reference at least if you’re not familiar with general anatomy. For instance the thumb is too close to the other fingers.

For a realistic hand it looks a bit wide, and the size of the fingers/thumb looks wrong. They look too thin and there is a huge gap between the fingers. Hold you hand up and make your fingers straight. There is no gap. To get that gap, you have to widen the angle between your fingers (fan them out).

The thumb is coming out of the side of the hand when it should be coming out of the front.

Thanks for the advice, just what I needed. I will try to implement all of it. This was my first attempt at a hand and I kinda just used two reference images and mines. Thanks for not being so harsh.