
Hello (:

Im trying to modell a hand(for the first time). At the moment it has 602 vertices is that to much for a simple hand? and what could i do better? (the first picture is without the Subdivision Surface modifier and the second is with Subsurf )

I would worry less about poly count and more about topology. Look at anatomy references to see how the muscles in the hand are structured.
For example, right now the topology of the base of your thumb and index finger will mean your hand will distort strangely when animated.
Here’s a blender cookie tute about hand topology:

Here’s a thread on cg society:

Good luck!

Ok thanks (:. I just made this hand from a cube, do you know a tutorial how to model a realistic hand? How would you start to model a hand ?(im a beginner(:slight_smile:

I would start just like you did, subdivide it and sculpt on it, and then create a second mesh and use shrinkwrap to make another hand with correct topology based on your high res box model.

Hopefully you have one attached to your arm, you could take a look. :slight_smile: JK

In all fairness Jonathon’s tut is one of the best for realistic hands, and you have already been directed to it.

There are plenty of others out there as well. Now let me ask you, what is the best way to model a hand? Realistically? Don’t we see that every day? Put some style in your hand. In order to improve as an artist, sure you study life. But must you recreate it exactly as you see? No. My definition of art, is an interpretation of reality or fantasy produced in some medium by a human’s mind. The important part is the “interpretation”. Think of your character, are they old, are they tired, are they sexy, strong what?
Now put that into your hand. Push each and every vertex to create the ultimate shape that makes you feel like this hand has character, and is alive in it’s own right. Then you are an artist. IMO.

Start with a circle, maybe 12 verts. Push them around till you get the wrist. Extrude. Shape the beginning of the palm. Add volume for the base of the thumb, extrude the thumb over and down. Extrude the rest of the palm, and shape the finger holes, then using diamonds, increase the topology count so you can detail the fingers and the flaps of skin in between. Extrude one finger (I use the middle one) and create it entirely including nail bed and nail. Then duplicate the finger and attach it to your other holes.

Se the attached blend, you are free to use and study, no it is not realistic, that would be boring. One thing to take note of, is how the diamonds can actually give the impression of tendons if placed right.

P.S. Good luck Simon, go read Keelan Parham, Andrew Loomis, Richard Williams and learn to draw if you can’t already. CG is not for the faint of heart, and it is not a crutch for people that have no skill with paper and pen. It is actually harder to produce a quality digital character, than it is to draw one. The advantage of cg, is it can move. :wink:

@Kiriri sculpture and retopo, are not the only way to create quality, many fine digital artists turn their nose up at sculpting, I only use it for small details, details that can be just as easily painted in gimp or PS. A beginner probably shouldn’t even think about it.


hand.blend (728 KB)