Hands of a mechanic

This is so good I can´t even imagine how to make this in Blender. I love every aspect of the finished image. Well done!

Don’t you think it looks too cartoony?

Thank you again everyone for your input. :slight_smile:

Yes, I forgot to reply the first message regarding the subject. I took reference from my fathers old old toolbox, that is in fact in much better state than the one I recreated. I guess if you take good care of your tools, they can stay in good shape even after some greasy work. Surely I could have added more wear, dirt and stains for more effect, but frankly I didn’t really feel the need.

There’s not much in the composition nodes. Some subtle glare/glow and rough color correction. The final tweaks were made in PS.

The scene and the lighting is almost identical in the clay-render compared to the original. I slightly increased the hdr-light strength, but changed nothing else. Then I replaced every materials shader with a super simple claymat (gray diffuse mixed with gray glossy). It’s important to leave the displacement channel intact from the original material, so that the surface details are not lost.


Beautiful scene–Thank You!

I love it :).

This is best hands that I´ve seen in blender, Congrats!

one look and it’s into your heart.

Many thanks