Hang-Down v1.0.1 released

Hello everyone!
New version of Hang-Down addon is out now! It allows you to create physically realistic objects like ropes/wires/cables/hoses and chains fast and easy.

You can watch how to use it here: https://youtu.be/Q1qUK0t4sh8
And find out more (or get it) here: https://blendermarket.com/products/hang-down
Alternatively, you can get it here: https://gumroad.com/l/aAvZq

Scatter ropes and chains using particle systems (will be included in the next release).

Instead of searching for profile object in all the objects of the scene, in next version there will only be displayed objects which name starts with “Profile_”. This feature should make the workflow faster.

Most likely in the next version I will also include addon preferences

Fast material changing. This feature will be included in the next version.


Features planned to be released in next update:

  • convert curves to ropes and chains (this will allow to create ropes and chains of any shape as, for example, drawing a circle manually is pretty difficult)
  • coiled (cyclic) ropes and chains
  • scatter ropes and chains using particle systems (the above gif with many hoses was made using this feature)
  • keymap setup in addon’s settings
  • easy material changing

It has the following features:

  • create naturally looking ropes and chains
  • create multiple ropes and chains faster
  • easily edit their physical properties (you can do that for several objects at once)
  • easily change their appearance (e.g. you wanna change rope to hose or use different type of chains, again, you can do it for several ropes or chains at once)
  • add and edit effects like wind or turbulence in no time

Link to the post about v.1.0.0: Hang-Down - create ropes/cables and chains easily

Addon is in continuous development, so with time it will have new cool features.

It works with Blender 2.8+ and after purchasing it you will have free lifetime updates!

Best wishes to everyone! :blush: