happy birthday LohnC!

Babies! He wants Babies! Fresh and tasty!

Happy Birthday!

Hey Alltaken we come from Austraila, our balls drop when we turn around 13 not like you New Zealanders who don’t start puberty till you’re like 30 and then grow a thick patch of sheeps wool in your groin

hey hey hey. we are given our first set of Velcro gloves to mark manhood. and i can say i am 21 and have had my gloves for a good decade at least.



Have a good one bud.


cheers BgDM, Schlops and Aceroni Blenderino =D

Congratulations, during the infinitesimal moment between yesterday and today, the number by which people identify the time that you’ve managed not to die increased by one increment



I resent birthdays.

Even so, I hope you have a nice birthday and Amsterdam is sure the best place to have a party ;), especially with the likes of basse, @ndy, ton etc. to hang out with.

Happy birthday! :smiley:


slap on the ass

happy birthday !

runs away laughing insanely

Happy birthday man! Here’s to another 20 years :smiley: