Happy birthday to me. I have now reached adulthood.

Happy Birthday!


Congrats, enjoy it until you realize that it just means lots more responsiblity and almost no new privledges that you’ll use like smoking, porn, etc. Voting’s cool though.

I found out I won’t be able to vote this year because my Birthday was just one day too late (to register that is).

On a brighter note I got a GeForce 7300 and the Rise of Legends computer game. I’d say it’s a pretty good upgrade from the 5200. I tried Snailrose’s parrelax demo and with the 5200 it barely got up to 30 FPS but this card gets it up to 60.:smiley:

Yeah when I hit 18 the poo hit the fan for me, so I stopped all of my wild ways and became a nun (And I’m a guy :eek: ). No I saw I had more ways to get in trouble and bigger risks, so I calmed down. So Happy B-Day Cyborg Dragon :smiley: ! You’ve now reached the hieght of your youth, it’s all down hill from here :smiley: .

Happy birthday :smiley:
time sure goes by fast huh

Good. One less Republican vote.

well unfortunately that’s a fart in the wind in kansas. WoC - (that’s wind-up chicken:D) Rise of Legends is a great game. if you want another great real-time strategy game set in wwII get company of heroes. it kicks ass. tanks!

Congratulations! You’re really growing up and becoming responsible! (I saw you posting in your little news thread like you were asked:) ) And glad to see that you won’t be drinking, (I’m living in Mexico and there’s always drunk people who are annoying and mistreat their families). Anyways, keep up the devouring and all. Here’s a little happyBirthday animation for you. NOTE: it has nothing to do with you, but it will play “happy birthday” for you and was modeled/animated in blender.



Happy Birthday! Be on the lookout if there are any hispanic people at your party, we have this odd tradition of sneaking up behind the birthday person and smashing a nice chunk of cake on their face =) We do it out of love of course so don’t get angry

kinda strange but very fun

Hehe Mordida! Mordida! Mordida!

Well I’m a little late but happy birthday anyway.

By the way, dont take this too hard though but from your actions I estimated you to be about 12 years old :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy Birthday!

You can’t drink yet, but you can buy guns! W00t!

I hope you enjoyed your birthday.

My 17th was on the 19, a Thursday here. Didn’t do anything much different to most days.

To be honest, I thought you were under the impression Cybrog Dragon is only 8 years old and that that’s the reason there were only 8 candles.
I can’t disagree, though :smiley:

You can only vote when you´re 18? That´s nice. Here people can vote with 16 and have to vote after 18. Lots of 16´s don´t know what they´re doing.

HEY, now you will answer for all the crimes you commit, heheheheheh. Just joking.

You arent alone.

But its less than 3 years for me. More like 2 years, 3 months and 24 days.

Happy Birthday!

I’ll be turning 18 in march, right before the legislative elections so [sarcasm]I’ll get to vote for my corrupted and bureaucratic government! yeah! let’s vote for another 10 years of falsified budgets and money stealing abusing politicians. Sheesh, my country is so corrupted. For those wondering what I’m talking about I’m talking about the whole corruption affair in some major cities of Belgium[/sarcasm]

Oh well, :slight_smile:
Happy B-DAY

>>NodeRanger: LoL, you’re incredible. In every thread you manage to make a comment on that game :smiley:

Happy Birthday!
Can’t wait till my 18th

snif it seems like only yesterday…
Our little Kansas_15 is all grown up!

Literally as well as figuratively… you’ve been much more mature and responsible lately. Thanks for not flying off the handle and threatening to destroy things anymore. Happy birthday.

Now go to your upgraded computer and do some serious birthday blending!

San diego james - that was the best video I’ve ever seen.

:o:o:o well it’s REALLY fun. I mean the physics are amazing, you roll into these perfect recreations of wwII towns with rocket tanks, morters and quad AA guns and leave them in smoking rubble… all the units have ragdoll physics too so when you blow up a jeep people go flying. also the strategy is great, you can’t just rush one kind of unit, you have to plan out everything.

but I’m a complete geek for video games, no doubt.