Happy friday the 13th

Happy bad luck day everyone!
I am going to be wearing a helmet all day today. :stuck_out_tongue:
Later we are going to throw a bon fire party in honor of Mithra for light and friendship. They are going to roast an entire side of beef and a pig which will take them all day.I am just going to bring a humble potato salad, and some fresh fruit from my friends farm.

So have a happy Friday the 13th everyone!

Really Bad Friday for beef and pig.

happy friday to you n bad for beef

Later we are going to throw a bon fire party in honor of Mithra for light and friendship.
It’s evil I tell you. EVIL!!! :smiley:

Is Mithra one of your pagan goddesses?

So far, no bad luck here for friday the 13th. Maybe you need a suit made out of 4 leaf clovers.

Speaking of clovers and luck

Sounds like a great way to blow a friday night Angela!

Yeah, Ive managed to dodge the bad luck so far…

It is not Friday the 13th that gets you, it is Saturday the 14th! :slight_smile:

Happy me! Yay!

Yay for Friday13! :wink:

ive slept through most of the day only waking up at 2:00 pm
CD mithra is a Zoroastrian god.
But i hope you have fun with your celebration sounds like it will be a blast

Bad luck indeed for the French, Holland just pwned them with 4 - 1!

happy friday the 13th, hope everyone is safe :smiley:

13 is my lucky number. I LOVE Friday the 13th. And this is the thirteenth post on this thread.

My day was remarkably good.

I don’t believe in friday the 13th crap, but yesterday my computer wouldn’t start for 4 hours then in the grocery store the electricity went out for half a second when I was paying with my visa card. Guess what. I had to walk to a cash dispenser and take out money and pay.

I kinda was hoping that my computer wouldn’t start. Then I could buy a new one. Even if it’s only 10 months old :slight_smile:

AngelaSmith isn’t Mithra the Sun by another name. Therefore you’re just worshipping the Sun like everyone else.:evilgrin: This week is the rise of Venus the morning star, are you sure you weren’t celebrating Lucifer?

BTW on Friday 13th I had two people from the Legion of Mary drop by and they left a card with a pray to the Morning Star! And I thought these Luciferian bastards!!! They trick you into praying to the Devil and then all that energy in the pray is redirected to him so his vision of the future comes true. And you don’t want that.

See BigBad, I was close, this time I got your computer. Next time I’ll be luckier.

Cyborg Dragon make sure you find them clovers, because like the the song says, if it wasn’t for bad luck you wouldn’t have no luck at all.