Hard Edges are lost after exporting

When I export from Blender I seem to loose my hard edges. Has anyone found a fix for this? I would like to keep the hard edges when they are needed.

I have watched YouTube videos. They say to turn on “Faces” when exporting. But I still have soft faces in UE5.

I followed this tutorial

Forget about this video.

Correct way which will surve full pipeline (in case if needed) without getting artifacts in shading of Blender > Baking&Texturing (marmoset toolbag/substance painter/anything else) > Unreal Engine:

  1. Make sure you enable Auto Smooth and set it to 180deg, when set your hard edges where needed

  2. Export with Smoothing: Edges. Also check Tangent Spaces

  3. dont forget to triangulate your model before exporting

  4. In UE set Normal Import Method: Import Normals

In case you baking you baking in Toolbag, make sure you using MikkT space. Not sure about Painter/xNormal/something else cause im only use Toolbag. But if MikkT space option are exist - use it.

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Perfect, SoundDifferent!!! Thank you. :muscle: