Hard 'n' Heavy 80er



It looks very close to reality, actually… only thing that seems missing is the felt pad under the tape roll. Might also consider making each tape at a different point in time (so that the reels aren’t all perfectly matching).

Definitely takes me back. :slight_smile:

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Did you have a real tape in hand for modeling?
I’m asking because they look really thin.


No, i dindn´t. But your are right, it looks to thin.
I only use a top view as a refenrence.

Hi Thorn, you´re right. I forgot this little piece. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I created a fairly precise model a while ago if you want orthographic views:


Great, thank you. I will check my modell :+1:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

You’re on the featured row! :+1:

Hi bartv, what means " featured row" :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Definitely too thin.

Brings back memories of me spinning these tapes on a pencil to rewind them to save batteries in the Walkman. I also had ACDC ‘The Razor’s Edge’ album recorded onto one of these tapes with the same pen writing. :smile:


I know Musashidan :roll_eyes:
If I find some time i will fixed it.
Your Image is amazing. :+1:

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Not mine. Just an example from google. :smile:

Okay. :wink:
But it looks really nice. Is it real or 3D? Do you no it?

I’m pretty sure it’s a photo. It would be a nice render though.

It’s a much-used stock image credited to Helena Watson/Getty Images. Since Helena Watson is a photographer, I’d bet on this being a photo (but I agree, it would make a fine render – good photographers know composition so they’re a useful source for inspiration).

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yup the modeling is awesome but the cassettes are a bit thin

Yes is it a nice inpiration to make the render more realitic.
I am relativ new in Blender. I started up in March I think and I come from C4D…
It is so different, but Blender is a real big tool und I love it.

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This is the Cassette for 2024. New Cassette, new Source for it.
I think Apple will build up for this. :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Those Gen Z-ers!!!

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