Hard Ops Thread

Unwanted bug after SSharpen was pressed

Hops 0.0073(F)

Blender - 2.77 - Can not fix this issue =(

Blender - 2.75.4 - All is OK

hydravlic-piston1.blend (625 KB)


this is a known issue. We are aware of it and are working on a fix. Someitmes when the geo is too simple sharpening errors occur. Im not sure why that happens but restoring blender to the defaults fixes it. I think its a preference change.

I’ve just purchased the Hard Ops addon, but can’t install it. I’ve tried the install from file option in the user preferences panel and selecting the zip folder but it will not install. I’m on OSX and haven’t had trouble installing add ons in the past. Similarly if I directly copy the unzipped addon folder into my addons folder, I still can’t find it in the list of addons. What am i missing?


PS I’ve just downloaded the latest version of blender and tried installing this addon before copying over any of my other addons (to rule out conflicts) and still no dice. This is driving me nuts!

It’s a really strange bug with this mesh. If I add an edge loop at the center of the model it works fine. Only one small and useless loop can fix it. Hmmm…

SC101 - you may have to right click the blender icon in the applications area and view package contents and add the hard ops / booltool / etc in the add ons area. The install from file might not work.

We’re still looking into that bug Vitaliy.

Me too =)
I’m just curious “why”. Please let me know if you don’t mind.

while working on the code tonight for the 0075 update. I was able to recreate it twice. But closing and reopening stopped it. That same glitch also happened for the Deux timelapse. Im hoping to squash that bug for the update too so any info will be helpfull haha but im sure it’ll come up during the next project.



0075 gets closer!


It’s almost ready! #0079

O_o !
This is amazing !

Eagerly awaiting … :smiley:

Great addon! Bravo

Fortunately there are a few people like Croutch,LiqidApe, Mifth,Iceking,…and many other who free sharing their work with the community.
And what about Opensource? You use their source code and do not edit your code for study.



One more ha.

super cool

kakachiex2 - thanks!

vitally! I think I found the one of the sources for that bug. I think we’ll be able to fix that in the code.

And H7.


Good morning, I want to give my personal tribute for your excellent work in Augmented Reality my tests, using your model. It is made with Unity3D and Vuforia.

. Un enorme abrazo Yhago
