Hard Ops Thread

thats actually quite an interesting and tricky shape that would be an ideal test for beginners. So it may be in a video in the future. Real world examples are perfect to help get people making interesting stuff. Based in reality. Glad it helped.

i mean how you cast this menu by hotkey

Question about BoxCutter, Blender grid and BoxCutter grid are different, why?
I prefer modeling like in CAD, 1 cm, 10 cm, 1 m grid and with BoxCutter it is not possible.
I think BoxCutter grid has no units…


You can hit shift-z and just turn boxcutter’s grid off, leaving the blender default the one you’re using without seeing the two mishmoshed in the viewport. You can also leave bc’s on and use shift+ mousewheel to change it’s zoom and match it to blender’s default (needs altering every time you zoom in/out though).

thats correct. The grid is arbitrary at this time and view dependant. That may happen down the road. Its current itteration is more to assist snapping but it may be expanded.

Auto Mirror is not showing up for me… Maybe I have the naming wrong?

On Win 10, Blender 2.78c, HO9 and BC 6.5

I think it detects AutoMirror but not Auto Mirror, we will look at that

You can try to remove the space to check if it will work.

ha yeah. AutoMirror

Thanks for the response guys but it’s still not working. It’s no big deal I’ll just do it from the AutoMirror panel until I do a clean install of windows in a couple of months and if that doesn’t fix it I’ll post again.

Alt +E calls up the extrusion type menu.

Many thanks!

hi masterxeon1001 i have donloaded you addon it’s work fine but when i export the object from blender to substance ther is this error:

[Scene 3D] Failed to load 3D scene. BLEND_BMESH: BlenderBMeshConverter requires a BMesh with “polygons” - please call BlenderBMeshConverter::ContainsBMesh to check this first

you have any type of suggestion for this.
thank in advance for the replay.

sounds like ngons. Better triangulate! theres a checkbox for that in the export panel.


Hey guys, which is the newest version of Box Cutter?
I am kinda torn between BoxCutter v0.6 and BoxCutter (6_5_2) on the gumroad download page.

Normally Boxcutter 6.5.2:yes:

Hi I just bought Boxcutter. Amazing tool! But everytime i try to draw with the Ngon tool on just a basic box, i get a error (attached).
Im using 2.78C (and also tried it with one of the newer builds…same error), on OSX, in object mode. Any ideas what it can be?

Edit: Ah, nevermind, it only seems to happen if i click once and do nothing. I didnt realise you have to hold down the mouse button and drag to draw the first point.

Thanks! :eyebrowlift:

Just tried adding an adjustable insert to a simple cube in Blender 2.78C, as soon as I select it from the insert library, Blender crashes.
If I select a non-adjustable, it works fine.

known issue. It comes and goes with blender updates. sometimes updating blender fixes it. But we’re working on finding the cause.

Ahh, fair enough. :slight_smile: