Hard Ops Thread

There is a critical bug when using quick silhuette throught hard ops viewport menu. It gets stuck on silhuette mode and wont get back to normal until you reset factory settings :frowning:

Hard Ops 9
Newest Silhuette addon
Blender 2.78c
win 10, 64bit

i see… i saw this on the silouette thread. I hadnt used it in a while for reasons similar.
I hope they can solve that in the future.

hi, just a heads up that auto mirror will be released with blender 2.79

excellent news. Ill update the documentation on that. Hopefully it hasnt changed internally in the merge. I personally use a left - handed version of it that I modified.

Created with hardops!

Hi masterxeon would it be possible to add this build in blender menu to your hard ops helper?

addon name is modifier tools and it comes with blender trunk.

we can look into it! Still wrapping up post release stuff atm but we’ll check into it.

Ah I see this is pretty cool.

Hmmm… Boxcutter does not change material while cutting =(
Any ideas?

UPD: I found a problem: HardOps connection checkbox somehow has been unchecked.

Hey guys, I found Hard Ops a while back and now I finally decided to try it out, extremely impressive. After purchase, I jumped right to it, going through the tutorials provided on Youtube and the documentation page.
When I tried MasterXeon’s subdivision conversion tutorial, I found that when using SSharpen (just like in the video) on subdivided mesh (cylinder in this case), no edge creases are actually set, or so it seems, like they are in the video. From the manual, I thought SSharpen automatically sets edge creases to 1.0 on sharp edges. So I wonder why that could be happening.
Any idea what might be wrong ? I am using Blender 2.78c non-installed, so a packed binary release. I installed Hard Ops 9 from provided “HardOps009(2) (Blender 2.78c and up)” packed file into “Users/…AppData/Roaming/Blender Foundation/Blender/2.78\scripts/addons” and Blender recognises it upon import so I guess it works all right.


Short question (didn´t found something like this): How can I add my own assets to Hard Ops 9 so it will recognize them?

Short question (didn´t found something like this): How can I add my own assets to Hard Ops 9 so it will recognize them?


Look HardOPS doc ==> http://hardops-manual.readthedocs.io/en/latest/faq/

Can I add my own inserts to Hard Ops?

No. However it is possible but not recommended since it’s not user friendly. For custom inserts I recommend the Asset Management. This is a temporary solution but we do have plans to expand this down the road.

sometime down the road we will look into it but who knows what 2.8 will do to things.

Catch this. HardOps works buggy with Booleans, it shows up in render on Group instances. BoolTool with hardops disabled works fine.

we’ll get that fixed in the next update.

Thank you.
And PLEASE fix this OVERLAY issue.


overlays will always show after an operation. We’ve checked into that.

If you download the newest version that is aiming to become officially 2.79, and you try to use slash, blender crashes, I know the addon is optimized for 2.78c, but since the change of version is coming closer I thought to let you know, also I was hoping to use the addon with the new builds, and at the moment this is not possible with the slash operator crashing blender instantly upon usage.

we’ll look into it. a new release is almost ready as well. we try to time it with the new blender updates.

I’m having trouble activating BoxCutter 0.6 (from gumroad) on both official release 2.78c and the daily build. This is the error that shows up:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Gfx\blender-2.78c-windows64\2.78\scripts\modules\addon_utils.py", line 330, in enable
    mod = __import__(module_name)
  File "C:\Users\Piotr Adamowicz\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\Boxcutter\__init__.py", line 40, in <module>
    modules = developer_utils.setup_addon_modules(__path__, __name__, "bpy" in locals())
  File "C:\Users\Piotr Adamowicz\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\Boxcutter\developer_utils.py", line 36, in setup_addon_modules
    modules = import_submodules(names)
  File "C:\Users\Piotr Adamowicz\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\Boxcutter\developer_utils.py", line 28, in import_submodules
    modules.append(importlib.import_module("." + name, package_name))
  File "C:\Gfx\blender-2.78c-windows64\2.78\python\lib\importlib\__init__.py", line 126, in import_module
    return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level)
  File "C:\Users\Piotr Adamowicz\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\scripts\addons\Boxcutter\operators\draw_operators\draw_box_slice.py", line 10, in <module>
    from ... graphic.draw_px import draw_extending_box
ImportError: cannot import name 'draw_extending_box'

I had also reported the slice crash on buildbot back in april.

Edit: Nevermind about the activation, just had to reinstall it manually instead of via Blender’s ‘install from zip’ function.

im trying to replecate the slice isue on my side. Im using buildbot / steam version and it’s behaving as expected. Ill continue to test it.