Hard Ops Thread

you may have to right click mirror in the q menu and map it to alt + X

The manual will be updated when I get the time but it is past needing an update.
Dont change the shift + alt + x that one is for mirror mirror.

We’ll sort the shortcut in the next update but it was supposed to be alt + X.

After setting the hotkey if you bring up user prefs with Ctrl + alt + u and click save user settings the hotkey will be there next time it is opened.

Sorry about the hotkey issue. I’ll get that fixed.

Great, that worked like a charm. The visual indication really helps! Thank you!

If you are a beginner to hard-ops watch the video by MrSorbias on youtube.

Also watch the Helmet video: HardOps 0.0.6 Helmet Demo Video from the gumroad videos, it’s a really good insight. That said, most of the videos are. :slight_smile:

thanks… i try.

After the next update it’ll be time for a new series.


Just want to say I’m very pleased with the recent upgrades, especially to boxcutter. also nice to see the integration with meshmachine. Good work everyone.

Hi guys, thanks for filling in my request by setting it to the +/- keys.

masterxeon, when are you going to be doing the step by step tutorial? Thanks

when i get the time. Or when development is at the right place to do another megacourse. I am fighting alot of BSODs at the moment and crunch time with work. So whenever I can. Im always writing people to try and have more non-mx content about it.

Thanks, masterxeon.

Ive been watching this guy. I had no idea Boxcutter was used in it.

I’m deeply considering grabbing this tonight. My only question is, do you need Boxcutter to get the most out of HardOps, or does it just provide a few extra handy options that aren’t necessary, but nice to have?

Probably masterxeon1001 would be the best person to answer this, i got HOPS and it gave me a huge boost in hardsurface modeling. Everything is so simple and so cool i would say you don’t need boxcutter to get the most of HOPS. However i’m going to buy Boxcutter myself at some time, i didn’t buy yet because i’m saving some money and the tax conversion to my country sucks. I’m wondering, if HOps alone rocks, then with Boxcutter they must be better than Batman and robin :joy:

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From what I’ve been seeing from Youtube, it seems that Boxcutter is more a way to apply quick booleans than what HardOps provides, which requires geometry to act as a cookie cutter. If I’m correct, HardOps is the more complete package of the two, allowing you to do so much more right out of the box.

I’ll end up getting both eventually. I’d grab them both now, but I’m notoriously cheap, and I really want to buy a videogame this week.

Gotta say, after all these years thinking “BOOLEANS BAD, QUADS GOOD”, it’s weird buying into something that throws topology out the window for easy awesomeness.

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I’ve been through that also. Quads is still good, but at sometimes you don’t need them, and them are not to harm your mesh how they used to be. Another mindblowing thing is pretty good meshes withou using subsurf modifiers, with HOPS you can. Bools should be used wisely,but they speedup a lot the modelling.That is not that bad if you are using to render in Blender. And if you are going to use in some game,you could retopo aswell. I’m also curious about pairing HOPS and BC. I hope soon i could test it.

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Boxcutter kisses fingers

its a sleeper hit. I downplay it but alot of love goes into the tool as does Hard Ops. We have some crazy stuff planned for BC. Hard Ops is intended to provide enough of a workflow but Boxcutter was an experiment into making something focused primarily on cutting. If you love HOPS then it will fit right in. Blue box alone has changed my life.


Well, i think that was enough to proof the experience will be great. Heard recently came a huge update in BC. I think i will buy it next months

I have an annoying problem with (the latest as on gumroad) boxcutter. In ngon mode, if you just Ctrl-click your mouse without dragging to place the first point, the script throws an Index out of range error. Can you maybe do something about that?

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Well, I still think it should never throw an error in either case, but this works for me :slight_smile:
