Has anyone else ever ran into this crazy normal bug before?

Sometimes, on imported objects, though rare, when using the BGE in GLSL mode, the mesh I am working on will have crazy normal darkening/lighting on all or part of its faces. This always seems to be complicated meshes like characters,etc. Has anyone ran into this annoying render bug and solved it? Its driving me nuts!

I run it in the standalone player and it looks fine, apart from being shadeless. This ruins normal mapping and texturing. It happens occasionally when importing objects. Its so bizarre. In all my 11 years of Blending, its never done this before!

So, can anyone solve this normal issue?

It also sometimes shows it as shadeless, so its definitely a normal issue. But I dont want to redo vertex by vertex by hand!

EDIT: Found it!! Sometimes if the bone deform option is set to BGE it will somehow screw the lighting of the mesh up… setting it to Blender fixes this! Its already been solved by me!

if you go into edit mode of the mesh then recalculate normals, does that help?

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No, it doesnt.

I believe I ran into a few times. I believe you have to look at the textures in the node window and change clip to repeat.

Its a shading issue. Looks fine in viewport, but in game, the mesh lighting is all screwed. Some faces are lighter, others darker. Sometimes its just part, all, or just shadeless. It must be Blender trying to compute the lighting per vertex, and has got it wrong. No shaders, just regular GLSL materials.

The only thing I can think of is do you have a trasparacy shader in node window because I’ve notice that when you make a new texture it’ll have a trasparacy shader connected to the mix shader and I believe that the trasparacy shader when connected to the mix shader causes problems. If that doesn’t work then either try stack exchange or try to find the most recent file before that problem happened.

Its not nodes at all. Its with lighting!

Have you try getting lighting add-ons or you could try getting an hdri add-on. A lot of them are free and might be able to make the game look better though I never tried making a game with it though.

show us screenshots, at least show us the problem

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A minimal *.blend always helps. BGE 2.79b is prefered for me.

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I noticed that 2.79 and 2.8 aren’t backwards compatible. I know there be bugs when going from one to another.

Sometimes when i import models the normals are not facing the same x and y direction. I can recalculate the normals and they will all point the right way, but how i do it for the x and y beside taking every face and rotate it ? This caused me some problems when baking and in game, shading problems! Usually i remodel the whole thing ( to avoid other bugs from 3dsmax ). Remodeling it with a plane added in edit mode on that model will also face lot’s of problems, so i ad new face as object when remodeling it! I guess this is a 3dsmax bug ! Guess this happens in blender when you mirror in edit mode, but it does not affect the shading, still faces will not share the same x and y direction.

the only relevance the x and y on a face have is in the uv map. if you are actually talking about each face being an object, then you are doing it wrong.

honestly you just need to post a demo blend, any further speculation is just a waste of time.

Ok bro, a few days ago i had some problems with an imported model and i abandoned it. Next time i will post the blend and also a txt in it with what error’s me ! Usually i do things in my free time at night, and most of the time at the end of the day i’m tired. Fact is 99.99(9)% the time it’s my mistake ! :wink: anyway thank you for your kindness !

if model then:

  • go to edit mode
  • hit T key to open side panel
  • go to uv/shading tab
  • hit recalculate or flip normals

or you can set them all from faces.

Should fix 90% of the normal problems

BTW, if you have textures on the model and see black lines (some who looks like normal problems) then you got an problem with you uv island, put them to close together and you get gaps/black lines if you zoom in/out to far, only thing you can do here is, try to blur out those spots on the texture or redo the texture.

They’re bad objs. You’ll probably have to delete the bad polygons and refill them by hand.

Try removing duplicate vertexes first using merge or wield or whatever it’s called. Then try to recalculate normals.

Apply rotation and scale, normals - reset vector first !!?! Then recalculate normals, when nothing else works try resetting vectors and then recalculate normals :wink: