I was learning up on streaming gaming services this week and came across https://shadow.tech . Their Dutch product page offers systems with interesting specs, and I was wondering if anyone has tried running Blender ‘remotely’ through Shadow, or similar services?
I have used Blender quite a few times through Paperspace, which works great.
See also these two threads:
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I’ve used Shadow in the past but not with Blender. I’m planning on adding it to the comparison thread @blenderrocket posted above but their subscription model makes it harder to work out their true price to performance values (since it depends how much you use them per month).
One thing I do remember from the last time I used their service was that it’s difficult to just leave a machine running when disconnected. If you want to render a job but don’t want to have to stay connected to the machine your kind of stuck though that may have changed.
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