Experimenting with fire + smoke simulations, with a particle system for the embers. Part of a larger personal project.
hey, it looks awwesome.
that looks absolutely fantastic! Is it all Blender or is there some compositing with photographic elements
It’s mostly Blender - some of the sparks at the top were comped in from an image for extra detail and I reused some of the fire elements as images from the inital sim for the lower logs - just to save time with the bakes…
how you did those small sparkles??
Combination of emissive mesh particle system + turbulence + motion blur then some extra photo elements comped in on top.
Wow! Thanks!
What about the fire itself? Blender or something else?
i love the embers
wow looks amazing
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
looks really cool!
I have featured you on the “Hand-picked Blender Art #16” post on BlenderNation!
Thank you!