Having a lot of trouble rigging/painting the crotch/groin

I’m not sure if it’s a bone placement problem or a weight painting issue but I couldn’t figure out how to make the crotch deform without looking the way it does. I assumed I have to give the legs less control over it, but if I do, then it sticks out too much. I guess I don’t really know if the pelvis should be weight painted differently as well.


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Welcome to the fun world of rigging a pelvis, it’s (in my opinion) a circle of hell. Here’s the bad news- you can’t rig a pelvis well with just those bones. You need corrective shape keys and/or additional deformers. Here’s the good news - it’s not too hard to set that up, it’s really just tweaking that takes a while. I’d recommend looking up “blender rig pelvis” on YouTube


To add to what joseph said, yes you have to add more additional bone deformers and at last the corrective shape key. also bear in mind that the shape keys will be become dependant on the output in this case the posing deformation so always make sure you finish the weight painting before starting to add shape keys in other words a secondary deformation… Also be aware of the preserve volume setting aka dual quaternions which will f*ck up deformation of rotating joints, so you may need two armature modifiers with the last one with multi modifier on and a vertex group to limit it for the linear weighting, you should see the difference when you rotate a joint and notice the bulge it does when preserve volume is on , and that’s what you would like to avoid in those joints.

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Drop the hip and pelvis bones so that their heads are almost at the Z level of the bottom of the groin. Probably, hip angle is good, so drop tails of hips same as you drop heads of hip. Thigh bones could probably go down a little bit, not as much as those other bones. Then, autoweight. I think you’ll be happier with your sitting pose after that. Could be some volume loss in the butt that you’d want another bone to manage.


tysm, will look into it!