Hello, I’m hoping for some helpful advice as I’ve been struggling with what seems like it should be a simple shape to make.
I’ve started working on modeling an RC helicopter in Blender for practice. I’ve followed along lots of tutorials and i’ve used Blender to design projects for wood working but I’ve found I’m pretty weak with modeling skills in general so i thought this would be a good jump in the fire project.
I’ve spent several hours trying to get the bevel in the picture and tried different approaches but not exactly getting it right. I’m struggling to get the part where it curves at the corners from the chamfer and ends at the flat circular face behind the ball link.
Can someone tell me how they would approach modeling the beveled part circled? Thanks
Of course, your object has a bit more detail, so steps 1, 2 need a bit more work for both sides, and for both screw holders… But after that, step 3 and 4 work for the rest.
The boolean object is a cylinder, one side inset, merge at center, and moved to create an ‘inverted cone’.
My method for subd modelling is to start with a simple blockout to analyze the basic shapes. In particular, the rounded shape at the end is a sphere cut off on all sides. Then retopologize and then finish and clean up the mesh.
I’m finally getting somewhere. I didn’t have too much time last night but I think this is solved for now so I can actually model the part.
Thanks everyone, I didn’t expect this many replies and I’m grateful i’ve found this site. I tried the boolean approach with the cone from the first reply and also with a sphere cut in half and solidified and both worked well. The picture is with the sphere. The other solutions I haven’t tried yet as it’s getting a bit deeper in the weeds and I’m prone to falling in every rabbit hole I encounter. I’ll save exploring those for a later time.
I’m going to have to learn how to clean up mesh once booleans are applied but for now I’ll just not apply anything and move on.