HDRI appearing on its side

Haven’t used a HDRI for lighting for a while - just been relying on the default sky texture, but have just imported one and it has appeared on its side. This has never happened before. Have tested a new empty project and the same thing happens. Tested a couple of different HDRs - same thing happens.
I’ve also used this in other projects and its been fine.

This is in 2.92 release version (but it was the same in a nightly build I tried to). I guess I could use the mapping node to try and position properly, but I shouldn’t have to.

Could I have accidentally changed a project setting or preference somewhere which has mucked up the world settings? Its bound to be something noobish I’ve done or something simple overlooked!

Any suggestions gratefully received.

Replace your image texture node with an environment texture node.

Of course! So stupid (obviously very late and too tired to think straight)

Many thanks

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No problem. It happens to the best of us :+1:

Sometimes the environment texture doesn’t work well, and I rely on reflected coordinates instead of generated, possibly with a -1 x scale and z rotation (can’t remember which). But those cases are rare, and I can’t even remember last time I had to use it like that.