hdri background blender 2.5

I have a scene with a glass jar and Im trying to get a nice lighting but I want a black background. So Im using a a hdri image as the sky to get nice reflections but the thing is I have to set enviroment lighting to sky texture. How can I get the hdri reflections but with a black background?

I tried to map the hdri image as a texture with reflection coordinates but thereś no reflection on the influence panel as in 2.49.

I would render it with the stars in the background, and then in your final render window you have the option to view the images alpha values (a b&w image) that should have the sky as totally black and your objects as white. Bring that into an image editing software and use the b&W image as a mask to remove the stars from the background.

Although you could probably use composite nodes to accomplish the same thing. Use the alpha layer as a mask for a mix node with your rendered scene plus just a black colour.

That seems rather complitcated compared to 2.49 method.
I just want to get hdri reflections but without the actual hdri image as a background.
I can map the image to the reflection coordinates but there’s no reflection map in 2.5.
I mapped the image to color an set it to 0.4 but I’m not getting the same effect as in 2.49.

To be more clear this is what I mean:




I’m having this exact same problem. Did you come to a simpler solution?

Put something behind the jar, for example a studio backdrop or even just a plane and paint it black.



I’m having this exact same problem. Did you come to a simpler solution?

How about applying it to the Diffuse Intensity value

Hi Richard,

Apply what to the Diffuse Intensity value?

I’m pretty sure you can just mask the HDRI Sky out using the Compositor and Render Layers.

Just select Premul next to Alpha under Render buttons / Shading. The background will not render and come out black.

In the render tab, you can uncheck “sky” to not render it.

It’s Cycles render and not completely black… Hope helps.
You could make upper part of the screen shorter and get world’s light too, i guess.

Set the coordinates to “Reflection” and in the Influence panel use the Ray Mirror option. This makes the texture influence the reflection.

to ridix:
thank you, I was searching this option for a lot !

hi, eppo,
may I ask how did you get transparency?
I get reflection but not transparency, even if I add a mix shader wih glass …