HE-MAN - Champion of Eternia | Kfir Merlaub Art

Hi everyone,
Here is my latest project:
A fan art statue of He-Man riding Battlecat and Orko joining along the ride.
All done in the style of the Filmation Series of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.



It would be my dream to see this statue and my originals to come, be produced and collected.

I was responsible for all stages of the project; concept art, modeling, sculpting, texturing, rendering, shading, camera animation, compositing etc.

Created completely in Blender 3D.
Rendered in Eevee with SSGI.

Kfir Merlaub Art © 2021


You’re on the #featured row! :+1:


Thanks so much for the feature! I am encouraged to create and share more!

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Awesome! Your job is amazing, keep it up!

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Very, very great job! I know other of your works and I shared a link between colleagues to show the power of Blender.

And those details are actual details, not baked normals?

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These are baked normals. I work section by section. I save the production high res model separately, and bake from the multires the result.
baked it is about 1 million verts. original highres all put together is about 100 million verts

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Blender didn’t crash on 100 mil poly? wow

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It is kind of lame to just repeat what has been said before, yet I can’t help it: Amazing work! Brings me back to my childhood days. :smiley:

May I ask how you did the hair? Is it purely sculpted or did you start our e.g. with curves or some other trick?


Wow! Nostalgia city man! I’m just starting out in Blender, what a inspiration to me. This looks amazing and brigs back memories.

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WOW!! EPIC!! Great job!

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Holy guacamole. Just saw your yt channel. You’re doing god’s work

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Thanks a lot!
For the hair I first use a general sculpted mesh. Then I trace the hair strands with grease pencil. then I convert that into curves. I edit their thickness using another curve. Later I convert the result to a mesh and after adding a multires modifier I displace the hair strands with a texture. Hope this helps. This is not the best workflow but for now that how I create hair.
Thank you!

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Thank you so much, I will try this!

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thanks so much Bart!

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