Heeeeeeelp. Curves/Follow Path


Wondering if anyone can help. So close but so far. Knew I would get issues with these legs.

When I assign the FollowPath Contstraint of the Empty to the Animation path where the main dragon is I get what you see in the file. Everything else works perfectly and I’m following the same methods.

Blender 4.0

Also. Quick addition. There are bangles around the legs, when I apply scale it goes haywire. Never fully understand this.

Thanks in advance.
BArtists.blend (1.6 MB)

It’s the Solidify Modifier: these settings work for much larger object. Un-applied scale means that the “actual” size of the object is not what you see, and modifiers work relative to actual size. But once you Apply Scale the object becomes the exact size that you see (much smaller in this case), and so any “distance”-related modifier settings don’t make sense anymore.
Reduce the Offset value of solidify mod and it should be fine.

I don’t know much about using constraints, but placing the Empty in the center of the world (Alt + G) seems to fix the issue? :person_shrugging:


Thanks for the reply. I’ll look at what you’ve said. I literally just deleted the empty before you replied., did it all again, parented the legs and reset the transformations and seemed to have done the trick.

Don’t go anywhere though, I’m sure I’ll be back with more problems.

Thanks again.

Yeah, applied scale and they are much bigger.

Well yes, because they are .3m thick :slight_smile: