Hello there, I was just sifting through the internet, and I found your forum,
I like forums…
Do you have any ideas on ______?
I could really use help with (insert forum name).
Five weird names, lack of personality, generalized wording of the post?.. That seems legit.
Welcome to the forums Jacoby!!!
I have lots of ideas on it, what did you have in mind, maybe we could collaborate a bit on it? I will definitely look into it more though, it is a really important subject that I care about.
Hmmm, what kind of help did you need here at Blender Artists? There’s lots of friendly people here that are willing to help you if you could be more specific? Again welcome!!!
BTW my name is John Cougar Milonakis Geordi LeBlanc Brisket County Jr. Bettingjam, the First, Esquire, the Second. Good luck here!!!
Oh, and if you want to join a cool club related to these forums just go here and tell them Bettingjam sent you: Malware.PenisEnlargment
Brisket County Jr.
John Jacob Jinglheimer Schmitt. His name is mine, too.
My name is Jason Banana Coobloum Jiggle III, Esq. I also like philosophy.