the problem is this
I don’t know why but the material of the eyes is seen only from the inside and when I insert the material it looks like this
when should it look like this
someone help me
the problem is this
Did you read the warning in Unity? That’s highly likely the cause of your issue.
It might be you have multiple identical faces and Unity removes them.
Or is something wrong with the normals?
the warnings are because the model has around 65k polygons more or less
still persists
If the problem is not solved, you should remove the “Solution” tag from my post to make it clear for everyone.
If you have the warning because there are so many polygons, you should split the mesh or do whatever it takes until that warning disappears. The reasonable thing is to make sure, Unity is not warning you about exactly this issue.
why inset ?? …and…
And you don’t want to tell us what you have tried… or show us more any other settings ??
I see now… your dragon eyes have a negative scale (and also just 0.01) !! If an object has negative scale then when enableing overlays Face Orientations… both are shown blue… but if you aplply scale the eyes get red (invers) !!
So that’s the reason why…
As i said in another thread: just using assets from anywhere and putting them into any game engine without the knowledge will fire back on someone…