Hello to all

Good morning and sorry to disturb you, my name is Radu and i am a beginner with blender , i must say this is a great place for blender users , beginners especialy . I have a problem , i installes blender 2.79 and when i started a comand prompt (black window) appeared and said that it faile to create something like /user/documents/… . To be more precise after i tried allot of times to start and close the program , blender i mean , in my :"Radu/My Documents/… does not apear a blender folder . Is it necesary to exist something like “Radu/My Documents/blender/” ? How to repair this problem , please give me some advice .
Thank you and a great day to you all ! :slight_smile:

Ummm… could you maybe take a screenshot of the error message? I personally don’t have any advice to give you on this, apart from suggesting you re-install Blender, but for someone a little more technical minded than me I think a screenshot of the error message could be quite helpful.

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Please try a zipped version. Blender wasn’t ever really meant to be installed.
After you’ve unzipped the archive create a folder called config in


This should help.

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Thank you so much , i will try the .zip version and will do as you said ! :slight_smile:

You are very welcome. Tell us if it worked. And mark the right answer.

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One more question , where do i place that folder , in /user/My Documents/… ? or in another place. Thank you again , i will let you know and your answer is in my opinion very practicall ! :slight_smile:

You unzip the archive to anywhere you like. Inside that folder there will be a folder called either 2.79 or 2.80 depending on the version you downloaded. Inside that folder you create a new one called config. You start Blender from one folder higher via the executable.
No headaches about this user/documents nonsense.

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It has worked , thank you so , so much for your help , now it’s all ok ! All the best ! :wink:

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Glad I could help. Happy blending.

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Thank you :wink: :+1:

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