Helmets, Earth and Asaro Planes mannequin

@ wagawagawoo: I think I understand, so thanks for the explanation. I just have one other question: if you are going to make a normal map from the subsurfed model, will the creases be taken into account when the NMap is procedurally generated?

But oddly enough I started making a paper craft model just before that papercraft Suzanne appeared! I finished it at college today and I thought I would update the thread.

I know it’s quite rough, but it’s my first attempt at papercraft and it was a little more complex than I was probably capable of, but In the end I liked the rough look it gave.

blenderartists attatchments isn’t working from my colleges network so the pictures are here on my blog: http://depthpass.tumblr.com/post/11311862851/my-paper-sculpture-based-on-the-asaro-head-model-i


LOL! I love it!

@wagawagawoo Amazing work on Asaro models! Your download link doesn’t work anymore. Any chance to re-upload it? Pretty please! I’d love to practice drawing using your model.