Help... Anisotropic highlight + sparkle shape

I had try for weeks but I have no idea for this…

So… My intention is to make shape into this Anisotropic highlight with a function of Diffuse BSDF

  1. It should work like a Diffuse BSDF as I mention:
    a) it will disappear when there no light
    b) it will rotate when the light move
    c) it won’t change the thickness since I need to make it to sparkle shape

  2. It should not be sees from downward. (This is not a need.)

I’d be grateful if you could help figure it out :smile:

You can try this setup with your diamond mask and see if it gets close to what you need…
I only had a grey-scale image to work with ( not a B/W ) so the effect covers the whole band…

Unfortunately mine isn’t working. Maybe it’s because I used voronoi texture for the shape. But thank you anyway :slight_smile:

Then, could you share your file and we can see what we can do…

I’ll try to make a lite version of it since it is a private group project… I’ll send the lite version tomorrow or 2 days later.

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new users can not upload attachments… what should I do right now?

Click on my Avatar and select Message…you can then send the file…

Better yet, in your messages you should have received a message from the Bot…There is a New User tutorial, go do it…it will raise your trust level and give you access to things like this…

Did a little more work on this, and managed to get something that is close…I don’t believe that it is possible to get a material that meets all the requiremants like rotate when light moves…but it’s possible to add a driver to the lights I suppose…

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