I was wondering if anyone could help me out with attaching a foot to the leg of my model.
The problem I’m having specifically is that the leg of my model protrudes out of the main body at a unusual angle that’s making it difficult for me to attach the foot.
Second easiest, assuming you want the bottom of the foot on the ground. The topology matches, so just move it close, select the foot, then the body, then press ctrl+J then select the edge loops and use the bridge function.
I’ve managed to do circle part but when it comes to trying to scaling along the axis, I’m having a problem where the axis orientation changes when I select the necessary vertices, preventing me from being able to scale along the proper axis.
Can anyone please help me figure out how to change the transform orientation?
At this point I’ve pretty much given up on trying to model the foot separately & attach it to the rest of the body in favor of just modelling it from the leg. But as I stated before I can’t properly model the foot because the transform orientation is all wrong.
I need the orientation to look like this:
Like I mentioned before, I somehow managed to model a foot like this a while ago but I can’t remember how I did it: