HELP! Blender python

how to cycle between these 3 commands only the bottom one is executed.
the id name is called via layout.operator
it uses only one keymap.

transform_manipulators is a set and you’re changing it three times. just set it once.


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it works but it stack to each other.
what I want is to cycle to them one by one every time I hit my hotkey…
do I need for loop, if statement or something else??
(I suck in python though)

You could implement a couple of ifs.

If transform manipulators == Translate:
switch to rotate
if transform manipulators == Rotate:
switch to scale
switch to Translate

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wow it work! :raised_hands::raised_hands:
I just need to add another elif to loop back to ‘Translate’.
I don’t know if the code is efficient but it work perfectly.

Thank you bro appreciate it!

Interesting. I do not understand why the last Elif is needed. It should be covered by the else.

yeah I just realized it no longer needed. :joy:

need another help though…

how to make if statement to this

bpy.ops.mesh.select_mode(#some parameters here)

(btw I’ve been trying hard but don’t have enough brain cells :sweat_smile:)

trying to achieve the same function above…