[help] clothing

i’m searching for a good tutorial about clothing…
i’m searching for something talking about an opened heavy jacket (like leather) dressed by a character.

tnx for any report or suggestion.

Do you want to apply the cloth mod to this?

Go to Youtube and type in Hexagon 3D tutorials the technique is basically the same and can be applied in Blender. Good luck.

my problem is to create an heavy material… everything i’ve tried result in a cloth too sensible to movements… i think is better if i post a sample blend file. soon :wink:

Try using a low poly mesh and use high stiffness.

Try a stack like this:



For the cloth object use pinning around the shoulders and let the rest hang. Maybe even pin the arms too. Make the jacket as low poly as you can. Construct a low poly collision object to replace the body for collision.

Use an image map - you can paint in blender if you want - to create a displacement on the jacket. Pockets seams and folds and so on. The cloth modifier will only calculate the mesh below it, the base mesh that is moved by the armature and vertex groups for weight painting. The vertex group for fixing is another vertex group.

This method is like having a low poly cadge to deform the high poly displacement object with some cloth properties but not too strong. You can also dampen the cloth effect by setting stiffness and bend extremely high. Like 100.000.