Help creating fake company logos

So my team and I are working on a big project right now. And we need some more people to help out with logos for fake shop companies. They can be created in Blender, Inkscape, Photoshop, GIMP, or whatever program you would like, but we would need the final logo to be in .png.
If you would like to help out with creating these logos ether comment on this thread or pm me and we can get you started.
Also this doesnt have to be for just 1 person, many people can join/help out.

What kind of shops do you want?

Any type of shop that you would find in a public shopping mall.
-Restaurants, clothing stores, sports stores, electronic stores, jewelry stores, you name it.
But we do need some variety, because we are going to be creating products for that company(which if you would like to help out with it pm me).
for example some quick things I have created using Inkscape)

Although my examples are based off of real companies they dont have to be, anything is acceptable.
Hope this answered your question,

come on guys I know its not the coolest job but someone out there must be interested, and it really doesnt have to be like my examples. It could be 3d models also​.

Just get some dingbats (or even just some of the symbols on Unicode), tweak a bit and pick some random colors :slight_smile:

ya ok ill give you that one TiagoTiago but im not asking for advice an what to do, im asking for assistance in making them. Maybe I dont have the time/skills/etc. to do it myself(examples) thats why I would be posting it under volunteer work. I can make them myself but that doesnt mean that there going to look fabulous that and making all of them myself is time consuming (especially since it is limited.)