Hi there blender community. I’m hoping someone can help me with an issue i’ve been having for well over a month now.
For our game, we have ‘stylized’ hair, here’s an example of a hairstyle that was done with the regular curves in blender. Create a curve, assign a profile, taper the end point and duplicate the curve over and over.
It’s an old school method that I’m hoping to ditch for the hair grooming tools that are in blender.
I’ve created this geometry node setup by piecing things together that i’ve seen online.
This is working pretty well for me, i get the exact same hair profiles, i have way better control over the falloff of the shape but i have a MAJOR issue that i can’t find a solution for.
My boss wants me to do a hairstyle similar to the reference below-
It’s easy enough to groom these stylized hair curves but my issue is-
I can’t control twisting of the curves anymore?
That’s what made the original curves so powerful, i could grab a vert and rotate with falloff and twist my stylized hair. I’m stuck. I have to keep using the old-school method of placing every single curve for hair and it’s maddening because it’s so slow and tweaking the shapes…it’s painful and i just know there has to be a way to achieve this stylized hair still while being able to somehow rotate parts of my hair curve?
I feel so handicapped.
Can anyone tell me if there’s a way to ‘twist’ parts of my hair curves to create similar results to doing this manually? I’m dying for help and i’m not sure where else to turn as geonodes are so new to me and …ugh, i just want to use the groom tools with my strands of geometry hair becuase grooming is SO MUCH FASTER than placing by hand and manutally tweaking point after point after point. . .
Please help someone.