Help! How to stop fur created with turbulence from moving during simple camera animation

Hey guys,
So I’m creating an Archviz render with a fur seating ottoman.
I’ve created the fur with the hair particle system and then, in order to give it more of a fury look, I’ve added turbulence so that the overall look will be curly. Now, with still renders it is great, BUT when I want to animate it (simple camera movement animation) apparently the turbulence force does its thing and moves the fur. How can I make the hair passive? I’ve tried converting the PS to mesh but it is too much geometry and my PC couldn’t handle it (3m verts).

Unfortunately, I cannot upload any attachments because I’m a new user, so I hope you’ll understand my issue regardless.


Here is a Google Drive link to download the file and try for yourself:

you can provide your blend file by just pasting a link to e.g. dropbox or any other cloud service

Thank you I just did. Thanks for letting me know about this option!

turbulence is force field for simulation and it keeps doing it’s thing. so i guess you activated hair dynamics?
if you want a static hair, did you try the roughness. and the kink options which have Curl in the hair setting, which maybe some grooming? (usual options for static)

if you insist on using turbulence maybe a workaround is: if you bake your hair dynamics cache (disk cache) go to the folder where the cache is (usually same path of where you saved the file in a folder named blendercachexxxx ) and delete the files for all frames but one - a frame that you like how the simulation was - and keep disk cache checked on the hair system while you render.
blender will have no info but that one static frame

edit: i was trying this solution while typing the reply for you and it worked on my side


Although i am not sure whether it is a bug…but if you set the noise amount of your force field to 0, it won’t happen.

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Yup it worked! Thanks dude! :pray:t2:

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