help i am trying to round the top of this object

I made this oval type object by starting with cube adding a couple of loop cuts and beveling the ends to get the circular ends, I also made one slightly smaller and used boolean to cut the middle out of the original shape to end up with this.

What I am trying to do is bevel the top surface to create a sort of domed effect but i cant seem to get it right, either the bevel produces some nasty effects I want a nice regular dome around the whole shape… how to do this in blender (or is there a better way of starting in the first place?

We do not have your blend file or even see your mesh topology

Boolean = crappy mesh, you need to clean this up before doing anything. You could have made this without a boolean modifier to ensure you mantain control over your mesh to ensure you have the correct topology for what you want to achieve. You could have used a solidify modifier to give thickness to mesh outline (even starting with a curve object to get nice smooth curves)

For bevel have a nice loop al around the top edge

Ok well I am a noob, the mesh probably isnt the best. I can draw a circle cut it into 2 and use F key or fill gaps between 2 circles to end up with the same sort of same, then solidify and try bevel then…

Problem is when i select the top edge it does not select the whole thing even though all the edge is joined up properly and I have cleaned the mesh to remove a couple of offset points by merging. Does that mean the edge loop is rubbish? I cant seem to get solidify to work. Essentially this object will be 2 half circles connected by rectangular sides then the top bevelled but Im having trouble trying to find any info on this via google. I guess it should be easy…

did it after some trial and error, actually the easiest way was to add a taurus mesh with the smooth modifier, then split it in half and rotate 1 180 degrees, then just select the open edge loops and (W) special menu -> bridge end loops. Then I deleted the bottom half and extruded the bottom edge on Z axis to get the vertical part. Now it can be manipulated with no rubbish coming up. I knew there would be an easy way eventually I could do it again in about 1 minute now :slight_smile: I wish i was less of a noob :confused: