Help, i have a problem with texture atlas in blender

I use texture atlas on my enviroment, I use reset in uv unwrap, I think that might be the problem.
I want to paint another texture over the reseted atlas texture.


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Hi, thanks for responding , but i still have a problem

I have two uv maps one where I’ve reset the unwrap and the other where I’ve unwrapped the whole surface.
The problem is that it only paints correctly on the second uv map where the texture is stretched.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but just choose your first UV map and try to paint on it.

On the first map it tiles the paint like this:

This is my node setup, maybe this is wrong

May you drop your blend file?

what you need in that case is not the “Texture Coodinate”-node, but an “UV Map”-node. There you can specify wich UV map gets used

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Here is the link to the zip

Thanks @leonkax that was the issue :slight_smile: