Help making glass

I modelled a glass in blender and want it to look relatively real. I am new to blender and I am having trouble with the material settings to get anything other than this:


blender internal:

If anybody can help me, it would be greatly appreciated. I have uploaded the blend file.


glass.blend (168 KB)

Try out some of the stuff at the materials repository they have nice stuff.

I did use glass from that site in the original render. It’s not working. Maybe I should try a different material?

firstly blender internal is not the best render engine for photorealistic glass so its good to see you have tried yafray.

however to make the glass look real you will need something else in the scene for it to reflect/distort as light passes though or bonces of it. one quick method is to use a image map (for best results try a HDR image). however adding a few other objects into the scene will give the best results.

if you try this you may find that there is actualy nothing wrong with the matterial you are using.
hope this helps

check wiki page for glass and transparency

theses should give an idea on how tos et up the parameters
and you need things around to reflect in your glass !


I tried putting in a background and still nothing great. The problem is that the material doesn’t appear transparent (I also tried another material, still nothing). If you look inside the glass it’s completely dark. The way I have the walls set up might have something to do with it. It’s set up so that they have thickness, like this:

| |
\ \

If that makes sense to you. It would probably be easier to look at the blend.

Here are some screen shots of the renders:
1.)Yafray render with no light in the glass.
2.)Yafray render with a light in the glass.
3.)Blender Internal render with a light in the glass.
4.)The material I’m using for the glass.

It should also be noted that I have xml activated in the yafray settings because otherwise blender crashes. I am using Windows Vista Home Premium x64.

Also, this is the material I am using:

UPDATE: After setting the limit on the ray transp to 100 there is still no difference.

ANOTHER UPDATE: After tweaking the settings, I was actually able to get a satisfactory result with Blender Internal. I can’t seem to achieve this in yafray yet, however.


there is nothing wrong with the material as far as i can tell however you should take a look at the wiki for infomation about lighting.

as you can see giving the glass something to reflect enhances the model no end.

the picture below is the same as your .blend with the lights energy turnd down slightly and some models added.
the other is a quick luxrender render sorry for the poor quality i did not have time to leave it cook for long.
if you are not getting a transparent look in blender internal make sure ray tracing is turned on


Here’s a test done with ir and a pretty basic glass shader (thanks to the Blender Open Material Repository for giving me the chance to study other glasses shader)
A part from the long rendering time, I’ve got no problem with the material settings.
