Help me with Xbox game controller extensions for big hands?

Hi everyone, I’m a PC gamer with big hands and game controllers are simply too small for me, they give me cramps. I’m not the only one, but currently there’s no solution I’m aware of on the market, so all of us big handed gamers just suffer.
So for my Xbox controller I made extenders using air drying clay. Works perfectly but looks butt ugly and not very handy in the long run. It would be sooo nice to have a 3d-printed pair of clip-on extenders! See image attached for the general idea.

I could pay something, like €25 or 50, which wouldn’t cover the work done but it would be something. Final result would be a free file, downloadable for all, so big-handed gamers could game happily ever after and your name would be remembered for aeons to come :slightly_smiling_face:.

Thanks a million for helping out if you can!

Hey I’m sure you can do this yourself. I was messing around with this for you and see what I came up with. Hope it helps. Basically, I found a great 3D model of a controller (thanks to creatrboi!)

Then I started with half a sphere and started to sculp it around the bottom part of the handle. Once there, I actually enlarged and sculpted to what matched your clay mockup. So once I had a shell, I thickened and sculpted the inner part to touch the controller, to fill the gap. I did take my model into zbrush as I like zeremesher as I’m not too familiar with the remesh tools in Blender. Anyway I did use some mirror, solidify and subdivision modifiers during this creation. I’ve uploaded my file too and you can see that there are “Sphere layers” that are some work in progress stages to see what I did. Good luck and let us know how it turns out!!

Controller_large_V1.blend (3.2 MB)

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Oh…if it does help a little, you can donate $5 to a local charity on behalf of all the artists that give their time to help others! :slight_smile:

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That looks fabulous. But I won’t be able to do this, I have zero Blender skills (fooled around a bit 10 years ago and completely lost now). So I came here looking for a kind soul to help me/us (big-handed gamers) out…
If you feel like continuing a bit yourself, please do! I can print and test the model, but sculpting it alas no…

Controller_large_V1.stl (3.8 MB)
See if this .stl file works for you but you’ll have to check dimensions.

Super, will do, thanks! I’ll get back here when I have more news.

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I imagine you may have to use a more flexible filament like TPU because of the insertion angle of the handles but you’d probably know better!!

My friend at work printed it for me. Looks great as such, only was too small - you mentioned to check dimensions and yes, it’s like scaled down a bit.
He couldn’t print with flexible filament for some technical reason and, as you mentioned also, it’s impossible to fit over the controller in a hard plastic version. So it would be better to have it in two parts, at least during testing phase, so they can be printed apart and fitted apart, using hard filament.
If you could work a bit further on them, that would be great. My friend does 3d design but in other software, more industrial stuff, and doesn’t have the same skills.
Attached some pictures. If you want, I’d be glad to do an online meeting and/or provide you with any information/measurements/… you need.

You can use Epic’s RealityScan app to 3d scan the clay model. You can do some clean up in Blender afterward. To make the scanning easier add some dots all over the clay model.

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