I have a task to visualize blown wood wool insulation - photo as an example. I need it for wall section visualisation. Is it possible to make such material with Fur? I’m open to any suggestions how to make it?
Any help would be appreciated.
If it’s possible to do with hair particles? Sure it is! But this looks dense, so it might get expensive performance-wise due the amount of particles needed.
You’ll need to play mainly with the roughness settings. They’re accessible when using Children. To make it clump-like enter Particle Mode, switch to Tip particle selection mode and pull everything down to form arcs.
The more particles you use clumpier it’ll look, hiding the trick.
These are the values you’ll have to experiment with.
Ideally you’ll want to use two systems, one for the clumped “mass” and a secondary with sparser and rougher hair to represent individual lighter fibers sticking out of the clumps.
i followed a tutorial that said to group the nodes and append the file into my new file, but it doesnt fully show the texture. its blotchy and not accurate. what other parameters do i need to fiddle with?