Help needed to improve varnished wood

Hello everyone ! I’ve been working on a tardis (from Dr. Who) model for the past three days but can’t figure out how to improve my wooden material.
I was aiming at some kind of antique and damaged shellac feeling, like on an old electric guitar, but I can’t get anything sharper than this :

And here’s the node setup (pretty basic) :

I’m not sure whether the problem comes from my shader or my textures. I used a simple diffuse texture and a b&w image to simulate the bump, but, honestly, I’m really noob at texturing.
Anyway, I am looking for a way to turn that into something more damaged, with parts reflecting nothing at all.

Thank : ]

If you’re looking for something that’s a little more damaged, you will need to roughen up that texture a little, or use something that’s a little closer to what you’re looking for. Perhaps something like this?

Once you find a diffuse texture that works, you will want to create spec, bump, and optionally gloss maps from that. Plenty of tutorials out there for doing so.

EDIT: Make sure you’re looking at reference. Try to mimic it. Break down the details in the reference photos and build up your textures that way.

Heres a quick example I put together. It could still use some work, but it should give you a general idea.

Node Setup (very simple):

instead of running the image into the Displacement of the output node, you could try using a Bump node fed into the shaders themselves, using the image as input for the height and starting the strength as something like 0.1 or even 0.05 at first. You can then decide if you want to use the image to just break up the glossy and not the diffuse as well.

Hey, thanks a lot for your answers ! I haven’t tried to plug the bump map directly into the shader nodes yet, but I’ll give it a shot tomorrow.
Thanks to your help, here’s what I’ve obtained. I’m not 100% sure my bump and specular maps are what they’re supposed to look like but it seems to work, so I won’t touch it anymore.
I was wondering if a normal map would work differently, though. I’ve seen some guys using both bump and normal maps, but I can’t tell why.

Thanks again :slight_smile:
