Help needed with UV Texture

I watched and followed the instruction in Youtube then the result I got is not what I wanted. I did is mark seam after tried all UV mapping. Is there another way to perfect UV map before put them in Photoshop?


No .blend file supplied so we cannot check out your unwrap

Theings to check:
Ensure you have placed seams on the correct edges
You have at least one vertex pinned in the UV editor (red dot) unpin it before unwrapping
Ensure you have placed seams on the correct edges
What UV unwrap method are you using ? Angle based or conformal ? Unwrap in parts using the most appropriate unwrap method. You can always connect the islands together in the UV editor
Ensure you have placed seams on the correct edges
Ensure you don’t have any double vertices (W / remove doubles)
Ensure you have placed seams on the correct edges