Help on creating a shader via script

I need to create a shader in Blender for a project. While I can play around with the Blender Shader Editor GUI, but I also need to actually submit an OSL file. The goal is to use the shader to create a specific look based on a few chosen samples of visual/graphic art.

I’ve been watching some tutorial videos, but most of them just use the nodes rather than writing an actual script. I’m having trouble figuring out how to translate something that can be created with nodes to actual code. I’ve watched the six OSL tutorials on and have looked at some of Ryan King Art’s tutorials (such as ), but I’m having a lot of trouble figuring out how to create my own unique shader.

I’m thinking of either trying to recreate certain fabrics or something related to pointillism. I want to take the time to explore and learn, but I also don’t have much time anymore to continue doing that without producing something.

Any advice is appreciated!

‘Fabrics’ and ‘pointillism’ aren’t descriptive enough for what you’re asking. Please post pictures of what you’re looking for, and specifications for their uses (do the shaders need to be 2D or 3D; do they require to be fast or accurate; do they require extreme close-ups or are just seen from a certain distance, etc).

If anyone can help you, they’ll sure need more from the above, and less about some tutorials found online.

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Welcome :tada:

…well… this seems a little weird… if you are have to submit it… and also “in time”… then i guess you are somekind of supossed to know something about this… or at least has someone who assigned this task to you and can ask for further information or preciser instructions so you can do it… and not ask this as the first post in a forum where nobody knows anythign about you… and also almost about your question…

In fact i had to look this up:

That’s usually the way it goes… as far as long i’m in this world…

Thank you! I did not know how to properly phrase my question because I was unsure of what exactly I wanted to create. There were very few specifications and I had no idea how to even get started on choosing something that was simple enough for a beginner. I’ve figured it out now!

Thank you! I did not know how to properly phrase my question because I was unsure of what exactly I wanted to create. I definitely had to ask for more clarification, but I’ve figured it out now!