Help on pixel texture painting

For the past few days i’ve been trying to replicate the style of pixel painting on blender

however everytime I try to do it, it’ll create this mess
Screenshot 2024-10-29 162451

here’s what I’m trying to do

is there any way to make the pixels more clearer and not fading out (like the second image), also I dont use aseprite since it never works for me (but if there’s any other external software like it feel free to suggest it)

if anybody can help me on this, it would greatly appreciated

If you use Image Texture node, try to change Interpolation property to Closest:


sorry for the late reply but is there another way to do this, I’m trying to make a model for a third party game so nodes wont work

Then this needs to be done in the other software.
This is a responsability of the texture sampler (GPU) in the game engine’s material system, and Blender can’t really do anything about it.

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oh alright, can you give me some recommendations, besides aseprite since that wont work for me

It will depend mostly on the game engine, and the chosen type of material that will be used.

Most engine materials have that option somewhere in the UI…
And if you dig into the GLSL code, you could also use GL_NEAREST value for both GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER and GL_TEXTURE_MAX_FILTER, in your texture parameters.

Anyway, it’s a vague question… you should consult the game engine’s documentation to find how to setup those flags.


I fear you are getting this wrong. If you want a sharp “pixel art”-look its mainly about how your game reads and interprets that texture. You can paint it in blender if you want, just use change the interpolation method in the shader that blender uses to “closest” as it has been mentioned and use a lowes texture, eg 32x32 pixels or whatever you have in mind. Changing the setting in the nodeeditor doesnt make the texture being stored differently, its just about how its read/displayed in blender while you create it / paint it. At the end its just that your target game that has to interpret the texture the same way. So if that third party game interprets all its used textures like that aswell then you are already done. You very likely wont be able to change it in the game engine if I got your usecase right, so you have to upscale the image from your lowres (32x32) to a higher (eg 1024x1024) res with an image editor of your choice and prevent unwanted filtering in that step. Pretty much any imageeditor has a filtermethod you can choose for scale, so set it to filtermethod “none”, like I did in the example posted.


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