Help pls, with the plastic

Hello all, how to achieve the most realistic plastic as in the photo? It should be matte, and sort of “soft”. I would be grateful for any help. Thanks in advance!

Which render engine?

Cycles) only cycles)

You will need to do something like this:

The surface uses the light path trick to allow light to pass through easier, because that’s something Cycles struggles with and the material would look too dark otherwise. The glass BSDF is what the camera sees, the transparent BSDF is used for shadow color and opacity.

There is also a volume shader, which is what you use to color the plastic. Adjust the color and density to what you need in your scene. Also, you should go to the render settings and add at least 1 volume bounce, or else the volume will be too dark.

In your photo, the surface is smooth, but the volume is foggy, which is what I have done too. If you need a rougher surface, change the roughness on the glass BSDF.


Thank you so much! I will try this method tomorrow! I will write about the results! Thank you so much for your time!

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Material aren’t really my thing but i gave it a try.


Thank you so much! I’m going to try it!

Just a suggestion and a bit of tweaking to @etn249 's solution…


This option is the closest! That was a great help! Thank you!

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